Monday Night / 7 Weeks / 8:15-9:15 PM / Deb Lipartito
No Class 11/5
K9Jym’s Canine Good Citizen (CGC)/Therapy Dog Prep class will help you down the path toward earning your American Kennel Club’s Canine Good Citizen title and your Comfort Caring Canines Therapy Dogs Incorporated Certification, as we work through training exercises based on the test items. The CGC is a certification program that is designed to reward dogs that have good manners at home and in the community. Passing the CGC test is an excellent first step for anyone considering therapy work with their canine companion. The class will focus on the components of these tests including loose leash walking, remaining calm while approaching people and other dogs, sit stay for petting and handling, come when called, and supervised separation. Some exercises are designed to familiarize dogs and their owners with behaviors and requirements needed to become a certified Therapy Dog with Comfort Caring Canines.
To register, please use the link below.